The buzz of excited voices and the tempting smell of bacon and eggs filled the air of the Southwell Hall as 130 pupils from years 3-8 enjoyed their brunch. Following this perfect start to the day, the pupils travelled to the Genting Arena at the NEC in Birmingham.
The Young Voices choirs range from 4,500 to 8,500 children, all performing at the same time to capacity audiences of friends and family. Young Voices combines the power of singing together as one, with accompaniment from a wide range of musicians and artists, to create an amazing performance. With a full live band, backing singers and the internationally acclaimed conductor David Lawrence, it makes for one of the most exciting and memorable musical experiences you can imagine. Every year concerts are held at The O2 in London, Genting Arena in Birmingham, Phones 4U Arena in Manchester, and the Motorpoint Arena in Sheffield.
On entering the arena the excitement was deafening (literally) as 6,000 pupils rehearsed the songs they had been learning in readiness for the evening concert. Dance moves were honed and the obligatory key ring lights were waved in time, as pupils enjoyed numbers including a medley of Madness songs, A World in Union lead by Rugby Unions' sweetheart Laura Wright and many others. The capacity audience of 12,000 adults only added to the highly energised atmospehere. Being a part of 18,000 people dancing to Uptown Funk was certainly an experience for the audience too! The pupils were unanimous in their praise of the most excellent day out, do check the Music Twitter page.
Watch us here – Warminster Young Voices