There was a slight twist to this year’s World Book Day celebrations as staff and pupils dressed up as characters or symbols from the plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare. This was to mark the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare which will be commemorated across the country next month.
There were some extremely imaginative interpretations of the immortal Bard’s works, such as Mrs Walker bedecked in floral prints and accessories, to represent a ‘summer’s day’ from Sonnet 18. Mr Rossiter, complete with hump, portrayed Richard III and has to be congratulated on using the opening lines of the play in an inspired pun! The MFL department were a bevy of gorgeous Titanias and the Drama department went en masse, in costume, on an educational trip to Bath! Mrs Shanks was Mustardseed and her outfit was fittingly illuminated by fairy lights and Mr Mercer, a green, leaf-clad Oberon, both from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The pupils entered into the spirit of the day with a selection of fairies, witches, Malvolios, Prosperos, Macbeths and ‘the star-cross’d lovers’, Romeo and Juliet. Lewis Tarplee and James Caldwell, for many and varied reasons, were the scariest Juliets I think I have ever seen. Ben Stone was an adorable Ariel and Harry Cole’s costume was ink and a quill! It was wonderful to see the Upper Sixth joining in the fun for their last World Book Day at Warminster. Reed Webb must have been freezing as Julius Caesar and Emily Watson had cut two eyeholes in her bed sheet to be a ghost!
My thanks to James, Christian, Sophie and Aydan in the Lower Sixth for judging the latter. Earlier in the week, the Year 9 quiz was won by Alfie Dackombe and Ben Pearson and the Year 10 by Thomas Davis and Pierre Emorine.
May I take this opportunity to thank the Headmaster for allowing us to dress up on World Book Day and raise money for charity. Both staff and pupils donate a £1 for charity and this year the money is going towards funding buses to take books to remote areas of the world to promote literacy.
I look forward to next year’s World Book Day which takes place on the first Thursday of March… ’so now our revels have ended.’ Until next year!
Mrs Parrack