Phew! What a scorcher: Poetry and Prose 2019
It is that time of year when we all don our sunhats, slip into our cool linens and slap on the sun cream; or possibly not when it comes to the annual literary festival that is Warminster School’s very own, uniquely thrilling, Poetry and Prose Evening. This year it is on Friday, May 24th.
This entertainment will begin promptly at 7pm in the marquee outside Southwell Hall (School House Lawn) so no need to set the sprinklers on your tomatoes that evening, folks, but do ensure there’s plenty of cladding around your begonias.
For those of you unaware of the amazing spectacle that is P & P, as it’s affectionately known, it is an opportunity for anyone, regardless of whether they are a pupil or a teacher; a drama scholar or someone who has never been on stage before in their lives. It is all very relaxed and laid back.
Please bring a picnic, and yes, a tipple or two is allowed, (it may help!), a sense of humour and possibly some warm clothing! I can guarantee that you’ll laugh; you’ll cry, but won’t ask for your money back as it's free!
Mrs Parrack