This was our second entry into the annual West Wilts Schools Dance Festival, with the theme ‘Dare to Dream’. Our chosen dance was about a young boy and his dream that all the toys in his bedroom woke up and danced with him.
Over 1200 children took part in this amazing dance festival at the Forum Theatre, Bath. Entries into the Dance Festival have complete artistic licence to do what they want with their interpretation of the Dare to Dream theme. Dance styles can range from disco, street and contemporary.
As well as the show we visited ‘Smiggle’ the stationery shop and enjoyed a pizza supper. It was a wonderful day out topped with a dance performance on a huge stage in front of a massive audience.
The dance will be shown to another audience at our Grandparents Day later this term. Next year it would be brilliant to a have a Senior School entry – I will be on the look out for more dancers!
Mrs Butterworth, Assistant Director of Sport