House Leadership

Head of Ken: Nici Jones

House Identity

We are proud of our values of kindness, enthusiasm and nurture.

“Kindness and support to all, at all times. Enthusiastically being involved in all Ken events and day to day school life. Nurturing pupils’ development so that you can achieve your best in everything you do – staff supporting pupils, but also you as pupils supporting each other.”

Warminster School is a genuine community and within that, Ken is a smaller, tight-knit community where the pupils are happy, fulfilled and keen to share their ideas and interests and participate in House events. Strong pastoral care is also at the core of Ken. We encourage fun, laughter, loyalty and participation (whether this be during a tutor time, at House debating or at Sports Day), while also valuing that each pupil has their own strengths and talents… and some of these may be yet to be discovered!

Pupil leadership

Ken would not be Ken without the leadership of our fantastic House Captain, Deputy House Captain and House Prefects. They lead and guide House events and the day to day running of the House. They are real role models for the younger pupils.

History of Ken

The name of Ken House directly links to Warminster School’s long history. The foundation of the School was strongly supported by Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells between 1685 – 1691. He was a strong influence on Lord Weymouth and encouraged him to do charitable and benevolent works. An interesting fact for you, Bishop Ken’s chair, which is Tudor (1485 – 1603) and was presented by him to the School, now sits in the Headmaster’s office. The chair was also reputably sat on by King Charles II in 1663 on his visit to Longleat.