What better way is there to start the school day than with a second breakfast! Well that’s exactly what happened in Warminster Prep for World Book Day and it was a hugely popular choice.
Every child from Nursery to Year 6 (plus staff!) came to school in their pyjamas or onesies and enjoyed a day full of exciting activities, all linked to reading. The festivities started in the hall with children guessing what books might be hiding inside giant envelopes. Children had to use a variety of clues written on the front of each envelope to solve the problem. This led to much discussion and head scratching until the correct answers were found.
Not to be outperformed, the staff also had reading challenges of their own which earned their class their delicious breakfast. I think it is fair to say that completing well known phrases from children’s books was easier for some staff than others. (For this article, they will remain anonymous).
Class-led activities, based around children’s books, continued throughout the day as children across all ages shared their love of reading.
The final assembly of the day discussed why it is so important to be able to read. The children gave thoughtful and inciteful answers which included; reading menus and ingredients, finding information on timetables, reading cinema lists, following recipes and obeying road signs. During assembly, we even had time to guess what the top 10 best selling books for the previous week might be. It came as no surprise to many that David Walliams, J K Rowling and Jeff Kinney made it onto the list.
So, if anyone should be stuck as to what they should read next, there are 100 pupils here in Prep that are willing to help you!
Deborah Muir, Reception Class Teacher / Head of Pre‑Prep