Warminster's Head of English, Cristina George, is up for election for a third term on the National Trust Council. She is currently one of only 25 Council members nationally elected by the Trust’s membership. She was also the first ever Trust tenant to serve on the Council. Added to this, at this year’s National Trust AGM at the Steam Museum, Swindon on Saturday 22nd October, she will be presenting a motion to the membership in which she will argue for the Trust to continue to finance the Tenants’ Association of the National Trust (TANT) which is an independent organisation run by Trust tenants for Trust tenants and on whose committee Cristina also serves as a volunteer.
For Trust members, voting can be accessed by clicking here or through papers which accompanied the latest NT Magazine. Voting closes on Friday 14 October 2016 at 23:59.
We wish Cristina and her motion every success!