You won't need your umbrella, enjoy Warminster from the comfort of your sofa!
Open Day is as much about our current pupils and their families as it is about new ones! Twice a year Thomas Arnold Hall is packed with chattering, smiley faces of all ages welcoming prospective families to explore and experience our school. With our new ‘virtual’ school in motion, we felt it was imperative to extend that to our Open Day offering too, to ensure that, delicious cake aside, children and their parents can experience Warminster from the safety and comfort of their own sofas.
We will miss the stream of cars, the sharing of umbrellas (how many times has it rained on Open Day!) not to mention the inevitable scrum around the impressive buffet laid on by our stalwart catering team; however, at 10am on Saturday 25th April, Warminster will open its ‘virtual’ doors and share an insight into this great community of ours that we feel so grateful to be a part of.
For a little taster follow the link and make sure you have the kettle on in plenty of time to join us! WATCH HERE
Please contact [email protected] for more details.