I don’t believe I have ever seen the Minister Church look more magical or more packed with parents, grandparents, children and teachers. The singing was glorious, and speaking to the congregation afterward, filled everyone with Christmas cheer.

A highlight for me was the infectious ‘calypso’ version of Slade’s Merry Christmas Everybody.  I don’t think I have ever heard it sound so tuneful! The use of drums was an inspired idea and the small ensemble made a huge sound.

The assorted choirs, string ensemble and ukulele orchestra all played their parts. The Junior Choir’s version of Away In A Manager  was one I had not heard before but it still brought a tear to the eye when sung with such heartfelt enthusiasm.

The readings throughout were excellent and I think for many of the congregation, Ben Pearson as Scrooge, was of particular note. Ben’s intonation and terrific use of ‘the stage’, were extremely effective, as Dickens’ evergreen meaning of the true spirit of Christmas reverberated around the Minster.

Caroline Robinson, Gareth Williams, Emily Harris and all in the Music and Drama departments are to be congratulated for a beautiful celebration of Christmas.

Mrs S R Parrack