We have many policies to ensure the best possible care for everyone in our community.
If you would like access to any other policies or cannot find something you think should be accessible, then please contact the Deputy Head, Huw Jones [email protected]
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sarah Shanks and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Philip Titley.
To contact the Chair of our Governing Body, letters should be sent to the School address and titled “Chair of the Governing Body c/o The Bursar”.
Key policies and other useful documents are listed below.
- Academic Honesty Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- ASEND Policy
- Assessment Policy
- Behaviour, Rewards, Sanctions and Discipline Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Esafety
- Expulsion Policy
- Language Policy
- Privacy Notice
- RSE Policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- School Rules
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Whole School Food Policy
- Young Carers Policy