Supporting our local community
The Charity Committee have taken this year by storm starting with a fabulous harvest collection donated to our local foodbank. The collection was run as an inter-house competition and the response was simply marvellous. Our wonderful Mrs Cook, based in the Foundry, got behind this with her usual energy and gusto and soon the windows of the office were completely taken over with ever increasing piles of food. Mrs Cook is a pivotal part of the Charity Committee and without her boundless drive and enthusiasm for fundraising events we would be lost – so a big THANK YOU to her!
Once again Arnold House were the winners, closely followed by Ken in second place and Denys in third. It has to be said that Mr Hill, Head of Arnold House, is a keen supporter of charity events and rallies the cause to great effect. Just a few days later we filled one of our school minibuses and delivered the “booty” to Warminster's Foodbank. It took us a long time to empty the minibus but thankfully with the help of two shopping trolleys and numerous repeat trips up and down the ramp it was all finally inside the building.
We met some of the volunteers and it was very interesting to hear all about the work that they do for the local community of Warminster. We left feeling positive that our donation will help keep the food bank supplied for a few weeks.
Follow us on twitter @WarminsterChar2 for more information on future events.
Gillian Walmsley, Head of Pathways and Creative Curriculum, Assistant Head of IB