The first Spotlight of the year shines on Katie Mines, our Bursar & Clerk to the Governors.
Katie was born in the North East of England, but as her father was in the RAF they moved fairly regularly and off she went to boarding school from the age of 9. During her gap year, she trained as a secretary and after a few, fairly disastrous attempts at being a PA, she spent the rest of the year working for NatWest Bank. After graduating university she was accepted onto the NHS Financial Management training scheme. Katie qualified as an accountant and worked for 10 years in various roles at NHS Trusts and from there she moved into the world of education. She has two sons and spends a considerable amount of time watching the variety of sports that they play! Katie loves her book club, skiing and cooking.
How long have you worked at Warminster?
Since April 2018.
What’s the best thing about your role?
I work with such a wide range of professionals and there is never a dull moment at Warminster.
Describe a typical day?
I get to the office early and spend the first hour or two going through emails and anything that has been left for me to sign. After that, there is no typical day as it depends on the time of year. During the summer I spent a large amount of my time preparing the financial accounts for audit.
What do you think makes Warminster a special place to live and learn?
The staff and pupils make Warminster such a special place.
What would surprise us about you?
When I was 16 I did a static line parachute jump at Netheravon as part of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh. I lied about my weight at the time as I knew you had to be over a certain weight and I thought they would not let me do it if I wasn’t. As it turns out, they would have just added weights to my suit. Because of this, every time I pulled the guide cords I seemed to go back up instead of come down. Out of 8 of us, I jumped out of the plane first and landed last!
What other Warminster role would you like to try for a day and why?
A gardener as I love being outside… but only on a dry day!
As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
What did your school reports say about you?
Perhaps that I was a little too chatty in class. The one thing it was never allowed to say was “Could do better” – then I would have been in trouble at home!
Your note/advice to teenage self?
Go and do a ski season in a chalet before university.
Your mantra/motto or favourite quote?
Everything will fall into place.
Hidden ambitions still to achieve?
I’d love to do a free-fall skydive.
A favourite possession you would save from a fire?
If I had time, then I’d get my jewellery box as I have jewellery that belonged to my grandmother and maybe my hard drive which holds all my photos from the last 12 years.
Biggest bugbear?
Favourite musician/group?
I have music on all the time, but choosing a favourite is hard as it depends on my mood. At the moment we seem to be listening to the Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat!
Guilty pleasure?
Salt and vinegar crisp sandwiches made with white sliced bread and real butter.
MasterChef signature dish?
I have a sous-vide cooker so my signature dish would involve using that. Probably fillet of beef cooked sous-vide with dauphinoise potatoes.
Favourite TV programme?
Silent Witness.
Last book you read?
Stranger Child by Rachel Abbot.
Last movie watched?
The Greatest Showman.
Which actor would play you in a movie about your life?
I googled 5ft 2” actresses with brown hair and Eva Longoria came up so I’ll go for her.
Favourite tipple?
Pimms & lemonade with lots of fruit.
Favourite place/city in the world and why?
Ill de Re off the west coast of France. Beautiful empty beaches, amazing sea food and the ability to get everywhere by bike.
Twitter or Facebook?
Both. I’m reasonably new to Twitter but I find it is an excellent tool to keep up with all that goes on at Warminster!