Jess was born in Harrow and has lived in Sherborne, in Dorset, and Rugby, in the Midlands. She did her teaching degree at Durham University, and then completed her NQT year in England before moving to Kenya. Jess taught at Pembroke House in Kenya for 6 years, and whilst there was Head of the Middle School and Assistant Housemistress. Jess absolutely loved living in Kenya, and her adorable dog, Woody, was born out there. Woody also loves living in St Monica’s, especially when toast is on offer in the evenings! She’s no stranger to boarding as she attended boarding school, and her mother is also a housemistress… Jess explains, “I have grown up with boarding in my blood!”

How long have you worked at Warminster? Since September.

Describe a typical Warminster Prep day? My day starts at wakeup time, and then we have breakfast together as a house, either in the house kitchen, or in the School dining room. Then the prep children and I head over to school for the day. I teach Year 4, and then at the end of the day it’s back to the house for prep time. After supper we play games, hang out in the common room, or do craft in our craft room. Soon enough, it’s time for bed!

What do you think makes Warminster Prep a special place to live and learn? Our community of opportunity! There is so much to get involved with at Warminster. We all support each other, and it’s lovely to know you are nurtured all the way from nursery to sixth form.

What are the benefits of junior boarding at Warminster? Hanging out with your friends in the evening, learning how to live and grow with other people, and making the most of all that Warminster School has to offer. We have structured days with plenty of time for activities in the evening, and we love welcoming our friends for breakfast, the evening or to stay over for a couple of nights. Our flexible boarding structure means that there is something for everyone.

What other Warminster role would you like to try for a day and why? I always think that the Headmaster’s dog, Murphy has a pretty good life…!

What would surprise us about you? I can still do a pretty convincing cartwheel.

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? Ballerina, archaeologist, marine biologist, gymnast, circus performer, musical theatre director, children’s TV presenter, and teacher!

What did your school reports say about you? When I was in Year 6, I helped my teacher to put up all of her displays. I think we all knew I was destined to become a teacher…

Your note/advice to teenage self? My advice to teenagers – if you or other people are not going to remember it in a day, a week or a month, don’t spend time worrying about it now. Your life is your own – make the most of it!

Your mantra/motto or favourite quote? Be a nice human.

Any hidden ambitions still to achieve? I had surfing lessons last year – I’d love to get better at that.

A favourite possession you would save from a fire? My dog Woody – does he count as a possession?!

Biggest bugbear? Unkindness.

Favourite musician/group? It depends on the day. Currently, Joni Mitchell.

Guilty pleasure? I don’t feel at all guilty about it, but I would happily have a bar of chocolate ever day. Preferably dairy milk, but I’m not picky!

Favourite TV programme? At the moment, The Traitors. It’s so tense!

Last book you read? The Orange by Wendy Cope – I love poetry books!

Last movie watched? Wonka at the cinema – I love a musical!

Which actor would play you in a movie about your life? Oh gosh, who knows?! Colleagues used an automatic celebrity face generator and apparently, I look 33% like Emma Stone.

Favourite tipple? A cup of coffee round the breakfast table.

Favorite place/city in the world and why? The Minack Theatre in Cornwall – an open-air theatre set in the side of a cliff face. Stunning!

Does St Monica have an Instagram account? Keep watching – St Monica (and Woody) will soon be on Instagram!