The latest Sports Roundup from Mr Lyons.

As I look across the road towards Boni pitch on a dreary Thursday morning, I am buoyed by the prospect of summer weather on the horizon!  On the few occasions when the weather has been kind, I have really enjoyed seeing the pupils playing lots of sport and taking advantage of the green space around the School.

We have manged to fit a few cricket fixtures into breaks in the rain – but in truth, the season has yet to really kick into gear for anyone yet.  We hope we will see our first full block fixture next Saturday with Embley after the upcoming quiet weekend.

Tennis fixtures have provided us with the most sporting action in the first two weeks of term, with mid-week action with Bishop Wordsworth and St Mary’s Calne and weekend blocks with Lweston and Bryanston.

In response to feedback from parents and pupils concerning after school clubs and training, we have made some adjustments to the summer term clubs which will start from next week.

I hope you all enjoy the upcoming quiet weekend, lets keep our fingers crossed for some summer weather!

David Lyons, Director of Sport