On Saturday the 14th September Warminster hosted its annual Prep School Rugby & Hockey Festival, welcoming over 300 pupils from a wide variety of schools across the South West, accompanied by more than 250 spectators. With the magnificent school grounds bathed in glorious sunshine the tournament got off to a flying start; unlike last year, when the start was impeded somewhat by the necessity to remove a number of rogue hot air balloons from the pitches!
As always, our visitors were treated to an outstanding display of rugby and hockey from some of our youngest pupils. The games were played in fantastic spirit and were outstandingly umpired and refereed by Warminster pupils, aging from Year 7 through to the Upper Sixth. It was equally as impressive to witness the happy smiles of all the young players as they progressed through their matches. With the festival focused on encouraging pupils to enjoy school sport, the fact that no scores were made was irrelevant to the success of the day. Contributing heavily to the enjoyment factor was undoubtedly the delicious match teas, now infamous on the sporting schools’ circuit! An enormous thank you to our catering team who consistently serve the School and its many visitors with outstanding refreshments.
It was without doubt a superb example of the Warminster School community working together; from our dedicated sports coaches, to the large number of staff and pupils who all selflessly gave up their time to ensure that over 550 visitors all enjoyed a memorable day with us. Additional thanks must go to all the maintenance and grounds staff who work tirelessly to ensure our pitches and sports facilities are maintained to the very highest standard.
Of course the final thanks must go to all the schools and their enthusiastic pupils who attended the festival and joined in so whole heartedly with each and every match. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did and we very much look forward to welcoming you all again next year.
Thank you to Jon Edkins for capturing all the action.
Tim Watts, Director of Sport