Speech Day is an important day for our community and the format will be a little different this year, partly in response to not having had a physical event since 2019 and to honour and celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
There will be the usual formal events of the day which include the Commemoration Service in the Minster Church, to which parents of children leaving the School will be invited. Speeches and Prize Giving will take place in the Sports Hall and will be open to parents of prize winners and parents of pupils who are leaving the School. All parents of prize winners will receive an individual letter from Mark Sully, Deputy Head (Academic) detailing the prize(s) won.
In addition, the School will welcome all other parents, Prep and Senior, many of whom may not have been on site for the last two years. There will be an opportunity to visit departments, view pupils’ work, see experiments take place, watch drama, listen to music, and enjoy some sport. Please see the attached programme for full details.
Prizes will be presented by Old Verlucian, Kwame Kwaten. Kwame was due to present the prizes in 2020, and we are absolutely delighted he can finally be with us and join in our celebrations. Over his 30+ year career in the music industry, Kwame has been a musician, manager, producer, consultant, and A&R. Kwame is currently a Trustee at the Brits Trust, Vice-Chair of the UK’s Music Managers Forum, Trustee of the MOBO Charity and Co-Chair of the Brits Diversity Committee. For those parents not in the Sports Hall, Speeches and Prize Giving will be broadcast live in the Thomas Arnold Hall.