On Friday 16 September, children, parents, governors and guests gathered at Warminster Prep for the official opening of the new Pre-Prep classrooms. Note the term ‘official’, which I use with caution, as earlier in the week when I referred to the event as the ‘opening’ of the classrooms, I was sharply poked in the side by a Year 1 pupil who proclaimed: “They’re already open, I’ve been in there!”

I was aided in the formalities by a very professional team of current pupils. Our two youngest children, Harry and Sophie, were joined by our two oldest, Archie and Tia, who led the pupils in giving thanks for their school followed by a blessing, before all four of them proudly cut the ribbon. Our Reception children demonstrated great skill with the scissors: I suspect they must have been practising all night!

Warminster School is a very special, caring community whose main focus is the education and development of young minds. These classrooms will contribute greatly to our thriving Pre-Prep, where pupils are given every opportunity to grow and excel. As I stated at the opening, it is gratifying to think that they will benefit countless children at Warminster for years to come and will provide the setting for many ‘firsts’ and the formation of lifelong memories.

Projects like this do not happen without the vision, leadership and hard work of a great number of people. On behalf of the School, my thanks go out to our governing body, the Headmaster, Mr Mortimer, our parental body and four key teams: Estates, Finance, Grounds & Gardens and Domestic staff. What you have achieved here is wonderful. Thank you, our children and staff are very lucky indeed.

Philip Titley, Head of Warminster Prep