The bus company has confirmed it is unsafe for them to travel on the roads today so an Adverse Weather Day is declared.
The School remains open and any pupils who can safely travel to school should do so. For those pupils able to travel safely to school, please can Senior School pupils go immediately to TA Hall and Prep School pupils go to the Prep Hall for 8.30am.
All lessons for today will be posted on Firefly by 9.00am. It is our expectation that the normal academic timetable will be followed by all pupils regardless of whether they are physically in school or not. There will be no tutor time, Green Zone, EDGE or Games sessions published on Firefly.
Those pupils physically in school should wear warm, comfortable and suitable clothing and we strongly recommend wearing alternative and suitable footwear as well as warm coats, gloves, hats etc.
For those pupils not able to safely travel to school, please could you:
Senior School Pupils
Complete this Firefly form
Prep School Pupils
Email – [email protected]
The school will be in touch daily should further adverse weather days be declared.