“The wetter the better”  could definitely have been used as the catchphrase when children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed their recent walk in the woods at Shearwater.

On arrival we all had a drink and snack, and then set off into the woods in search of fun.  We all had a wonderful time splashing in streams, playing stuck in the mud (literally), with Mr Titley and practising our balancing along a strategically placed fallen log.

The prize for muddiest wellies goes to Monty Fogg who left his in the middle of a mud patch for Mr Titley to rescue. There were lots of strong contenders in the wettest child category and many had to take off wellies and pour out the water before we would let them back onto the minibuses. However, as always, Aimee Cooke squelched away with the trophy!

Gill Cross, Head of Pre-Prep