On Sunday 4 February, four Sixth Form pupils attended the Bristol Grammar School Tenth Anniversary Model United Nations.
Representing the country of Bolivia, the delegates sat on the Security Council, Human Rights, Political and Disarmament Committees, before joining together as a full delegation in a General Assembly. The delegates discussed a range of issues, including insurgency in the Malaysian-Thai Border, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, Ethnic Cleansing in Myanmar, Political Assassination, Integrating Refugees, Human Rights in Detention Centres, the 1982 Lebanon War and the Manchurian Crisis.
In addition, the General Assembly contended with the emergency scenario of potential nuclear war between Japan and North Korea, with delegates discussing, amending and voting on resolutions to deal with the crisis.
Thanks go to Ben Stone, Lukas Mickevicius, Alexandra Sarban and Freya Austin who represented Bolivia at this event. All represented the School, and the interests of Bolivia, with enthusiasm, determination and passion. Lukas deserves special mention for the resolution which he succeeded in having debated, even though it was ultimately rejected by his committee following some stirring debate. Delegates on the other committees had amendments debated and all spoke throughout the day in the interests of their country.
During the General Assembly, it was a joy to watch as the delegates came together to represent Bolivia’s interests through the emergency scenario and, even though they did not receive official commendation from the Secretary General and Committee Chairs, they should nevertheless feel exceptionally proud of the hard work, dedication and confidence which they demonstrated throughout.
Dr Tom Horler-Underwood, Head of Sixth Form