Yes you read that title correctly…on a day yet to be decided, but probably late in Spring Term – pupils of Warminster School will swap with staff to take part in the ultimate day of work experience.

The whole process is being run as part of the IBCP Core Service Learning. Upper Sixth pupils – Mia Quick, Chijana Kaunda, Victor De Ridder and Marcello Avesani have put together the recruitment materials and application packs for pupils to apply for different roles within our school. They are overseeing the shortlisting of applicants, running the interviews and giving feedback on the application and interview performance.

The first key position to be filled was the role of pupil Head teacher. Six pupils applied for this much coveted role but in the end, Jamie Holmes (8JRE) beat off some very strong competition to clinch this crucial role.

When interviewed after gaining the post Jamie said “I am thrilled. I applied for this job because I thought it would be a good idea and fun and I wanted “work experience” and hopefully learn some good leadership skills for when I am older. I also help when I can at my old school which I enjoy!” Jamie was also introduced to his new new PA, Jenni Croft and she commented, “I look forward to working with Mr Holmes on Pupil Takeover Day. I have already discovered that he will be fair, has a good sense of humour and likes Jammie Dodgers. So I will have them ready with his break time cup of tea.”

On Pupil Takeover Day pupils will swap roles with the expectation being that they will rise to the challenges presented in the world of work from a school perspective. All staffing appointments will be made by February half term. This will allow the pupils and the staff that they are swapping with to meet and plan their roles throughout the day. Pupils will not be left in charge of classes, but it is the expectation that they will deliver aspects of the lessons. For those in senior roles such as Head and Deputy their crisis management skills maybe tested on the day, for example…

Pupils have had to make formal applications for the posts in school. Pupils from any year in the Senior School have been encouraged to apply for any role in the School. Applications are submitted via an application form and accompanied by a letter outlining their reasons for applying and highlighting their skills and attributes which they have that they feel would be useful in the role applied for. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a panel interview for the post they have applied for. Feedback to unsuccessful candidates will be provided, including those not shortlisted for interview.

This has been a steep learning curve for the pupils from both sides – those applying and those recruiting. I am confident that it will be great fun on the day!

Watch out after Christmas for our next flurry of appointments – Jamie needs to appoint his senior team. Will he want one or two deputies? Then it’s onto teaching and support staff appointments.

For more information email [email protected]

Gillian Walmsley, Head of Pathways and Creative Curriculum, Assistant Head of IB