Keeping our pupils’ personal development at the forefront of our virtual offering is STILL number one on Mrs Rogers’ lockdown list!

Once again, as we adapt to working online in lockdown 3.0, I believe it is more crucial than ever that we continue to offer our pupils a broad range of co-curricular opportunities, albeit virtually, while we are away from school. It is vital that we continue to foster the all-round development of our pupils to ensure strong physical and mental health; to continue to nurture a sense of responsibility and confidence and to develop core skills and hidden talents. 

The links below are an overview of the various activities that our co-curricular team are offering at Warminster. Please do encourage your children to continue to get involved and to ask them to keep myself, their tutors and their co-curricular teachers updated on their progress.

Nicola Rogers​, Assistant Head (Pupil Development)

Virtual Pupil Development

Virtual Green Zone