Primary school tennis coaching

Primary school tennis coaching

Earlier this month the Prep School hosted a fantastic afternoon of fun tennis for sixty children from local primary schools. The children learned how to hit forehands, backhands and volleys. They played fun games and probably hit at least 200 balls each!

This was the first tennis session we have offered to schools. The nine courts at the Senior School proved to be a great venue. The sun was shining and we had lots of staff available to help the children. By the end of the session all of the children enjoyed rallying against another player on half a court. We were impressed with their capability and some were outstanding with their skills.

A highlight for many was trying to hit the coaches with the balls which a couple of the children achieved!

The schools that attended were:

  • Crockerton
  • Heytesbury
  • Minster

Hot dogs and cakes were enjoyed by all following the tennis. We will definitely repeat this event next summer. Thank you to Rory Smith, school tennis coach, for organising the coaching.

Mrs Gay Butterworth
Head of Prep Sport