Prep and Senior School French Trips

Prep and Senior School French Trips

Year 6 travelled to Normandy in the first week of June for an enjoyable and educational visit. They toured the D-Day beaches and cemeteries; met Harry, a ninety-four year old veteran; studied the Bayeaux Tapestry; explored the crypt of Bayeaux Cathedral; and tried out their French by ordering crêpe in a crêperie and by bartering with street sellers to buy as much fruit as they could for six Euros. More details of their adventures can be found on their blog.

The following week, a group of girls from Year 10 stayed at the Château de la Baudonnière, also in Normandy. They spent a week immersed in the French language, completing outdoor activities, attending French lessons and visiting Le Mont Saint Michel and the market in Dinan.  The pupils spoke lots of French and felt that their listening skills had also really improved enormously by the end of the week. The food consisted of homemade French dishes served with salad, authentic mayonnaise and lots of cheeses. The pupils were not, however, very taken by the offer of snails on the Thursday night!

These were both memorable trips for all participants and our thanks go to the staff who accompanied them.

Mrs Angela Moore & Mrs Sara Barns-Graham