
Welcoming new pupils to Warminster Prep is an absolute great joy for us here; knowing that what lies ahead is a unique, fun, and exciting adventure. It really is the ‘best start’ for your child offering an exceptional all-round education with wraparound care when it’s most needed.

Our children are happy, kind, fun-loving and engaged in their learning. Best of all – they LOVE coming to school every day! They benefit from an exceptional team of committed and imaginative prep teachers. The relationships that develop between our inspirational friendly teachers and pupils is hugely positive and strong bonds are formed.  From the outset, Warminster pupils are encouraged to explore and be active not only in their learning but also in sport, drama, music, and play. Every week is varied, full of learning and friendship.

With a seamless transition from our Courtyard Cubs, classes are small with excellent adult to child ratios, ensuring each child receives the best possible support and encouragement. We also recognise the great benefits of outdoor learning and its potential to provide wider experiences and opportunities for our children. Each class has a dedicated Forest School session every week and we are lucky to have a dedicated area of the beautiful Longleat Estate woodland as our Forest School.

Our pupils also benefit from energetic and specialist teaching for Music, PE and French.  Pre-Prep pupils also have weekly swimming lessons and the option of after-school tennis lessons.  While the children are regularly stepping outside their comfort zone, they feel safe to explore and try something new in our supportive and reassuring environment. We aim to make the early years of school an exciting and stimulating experience.

We also understand the challenges that parents face in balancing work and family commitments, which is why we offer excellent wraparound care. Pre-Prep children are able to stay in our Nursery facility until 6pm.

Fees & Admissions

For more information, to book a taster day or to speak to a real person, please contact us on [email protected]

Contact Details