New Head of PSHE, Miss Georgia Mugridge, tells us about the Warminster approach to PSHE.

Warminster School’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education programme begins in the Prep and throughout the years we have a rolling programme designed to progressively develop the pupils’ skills in many aspects of life.  As part of a whole School approach, PSHE at Warminster School develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to lead confident, healthy and responsible lives.

All of the Senior pupils marked two important PSHE events in recent months: World Mental Health Day  was on 10 October and Anti-Bullying Week  14 – 18 November, with the theme of using our Power for Good  to stand up to bullying. In tutor time and in PSHE lessons the pupils led discussions on the themes.

Mental health problems affect at least one in ten children and young people at any one time. The pupils were given practical guidance as to how to look after their own mental health and that of those around them. India Morgan-Nash (Year 8) said that “I now realise how important our mental health is, as well as our physical health. I have learnt a range of ways to help other people who are struggling”. Revd David Prescott also led a highly thought-provoking assembly, offering practical advice:

If you find yourself around someone who’s suffering with mental illness try not to judge too easily, and if you hear others making judgements gently point out that neither they nor you know exactly what another person is going through.  When you scroll through your Instagram or Twitter feed it often seems that the world is full of shiny happy people having fun.  But as REM also sang, everybody hurts sometimes. We just don’t like to show it”.

This year the way in which PSHE is taught to our senior pupils has changed in order to reflect the importance with which Warminster School regards PSHE Education. For Years 7 – 11 PSHE is now taught during dedicated lesson time in the Green Zone. The programme is delivered by a group of dedicated Teachers of PSHE and external speakers. This term we have covered a range of topics such as Self-Esteem (Year 8), Careers (Year 9) and Racism and Extremism (Year 11).

The PSHE delivery for the Sixth Form takes place during Green Zone tutor periods and within the Sixth Form lecture programme, including the Safe Drive Stay Alive driver safety show which all the Sixth Form pupils attended earlier in the term.  

PSHE Education is an important part of the curriculum which we offer at Warminster School. It supports the development of our pupils into rounded young people who enter the world as self-confident, resilient and well-rounded citizens. Please do speak to your child about the topics they have discussed in their PSHE lessons. PSHE lessons are aimed at supporting the advice provided by parents regarding their child’s progress towards adulthood and an effective PSHE programme involves regular communication between the School, pupils and parents. I have greatly enjoyed discussing the PSHE programme with parents to date so please do get in touch if you have any questions or queries.

Please follow us on Twitter in order to access articles and advice on a range of PSHE topics. @WarminsterPSHE

Miss G Mugridge, Head of PSHE