After a successful London Drinks, we now head towards a busy time in the OV calendar with Bath Drinks and the second annual OV Hockey and Netball matches. Who will the victors be this year? Last year the men’s game drew and the School 1st XI Captain and Head Boy, Josh Haines (OV17), fought fiercely to win. This year he has changed his allegiance to the OV side – let the battle commence!

This is swiftly followed by the inaugural Head Girl and Head Boy dinner hosted by the Headmaster. Interestingly, when researching who we are in contact with we go right back to 1949/50 with one of our wonderful Macdonald Boys Julian Macdonald, whose father Ian was Headmaster from 1940 to 1958.

Then at break neck speed, we have our third Annual Macdonald Boy’s lunch in May. We started this lunch with around 9 old boys some in their 80s and are now looking at over twenty with the welcome addition of the younger faction aged around 70!

The culmination of the OV calendar for the year is the Black Tie Dinner on June 16th. Last year we were very lucky and had an almost tropical feel to the evening with a truly glorious June evening. Drinks were held outside the Thomas Arnold Hall with beaming OVs, some of who were reunited after 36 years!

The OVs database is gradually building, we are ever grateful to our existing OV network for spreading the word and helping us to build an alumni to be proud of.

Graeme McQueen is also working on an OV Golf Day at Orchard Leigh, the date, which we have yet to agree on, will be available very soon.

The Development and Alumni Department at Warminster School is positively buzzing! Don’t forget we have our fetching OV scarves and ties for sale, the current leader of our 'world traveller tie', is 9200 miles for a tie exchange.  Stuart D’Souza (OV99) and Dr Robert Faulconer (OV99) from California to Riyadh!

Old Verlucian Events

2 March 2018 – Bath Drinks (Igloo at Abbey Hotel)
10 March 2018 – Hockey & Netball Tournament (Warminster School, dinner in St Boniface Hall)
21 April 2018 – Head Boy and Head Girl Dinner hosted by the Headmaster (St Boniface Hall)
12 May 2018 –  Macdonald Boys Lunch (St Boniface Hall)
16 June 2018 – Old Verlucian Black Tie Dinner (Thomas Arnold Hall)
8 September – Munich Drinks (KÄFER) – date TBC

Please contact the Alumni Office if you would like to attend an event. If you would like to organise a tour of the School, with a group of your peers, please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Stella Aldridge, Development & Alumni Relations