As part of this year’s Senior Netball pre-season, Warminster hosted a triangular tournament and invited 1st teams from both Embley and Downside. The event kicked off with a masterclass warm-up led by England Netball’s Commonwealth Games 2019 Gold medallist, Eboni Usoro-Brown. Eboni explained and demonstrated what it takes to be ‘netball ready’ and the players were able to experience what it feels like to prepare for netball at the highest level. Eboni’s passion and knowledge was infectious and inspiring; It was wonderful to see players from all schools coming together and connecting; the power of sport in action!
The awesome warm-up set the stage for a great afternoon of competitive matches. We were excited to see our senior girls in action and we witnessed some strong netball performances by some of our youngest members of the Senior Netball club, as well has some of our most experienced Sixth Formers. Sunday evening consisted of a cultural session, followed by pizza and fun and a good night’s sleep in St. Monica’s.
On Monday, we opened up our pre-season for all age groups with balls skills and match play the focus; it was wonderful to see so many girls in attendance! Thanks needs to go to the house staff in St Monica’s for allowing us to share their wonderful environment, Miss Lynch and Miss Brooks for their organisation, enthusiasm and energy, Niamh Crinion for running the table for the tournament, and finally, Mr Lyons for his unwavering support of the event. We can’t wait for the season ahead!
Kerry Walsh-Jones, Head of Netball