Model United Nations

Model United Nations

Last weekend, twelve pupils in the Sixth Form participated in the 25th Bath International Schools' Model United Nations Conference at Kingswood School in Bath. Over 600 students from all over the UK, Germany and Portugal gathered together to represent the countries in the United Nations and this year our students represented the countries of Cuba and Denmark.

The weekend got off to a flying start on Friday evening with several students gaining lots of support for their different resolutions. Saturday and Sunday were spent debating and amending the resolutions that were selected for discussion, and the conference ended with emergency situations on Boko Haram, a terrorist group in West Africa, and clashes between NATO and Russia.

All of our pupils did a fantastic job; they prepared engaging resolutions, pushed themselves to operate outside of their comfort zones, had to think 'on their toes' and debated articulately and professionally. We were so impressed by the pupils and how they approached the weekend; they represented both their countries and the School in an exemplary manner and deserve the highest praise for their contributions.

Special mentions should go to Daniel Hassan and Yury Sheblov who both had their resolutions selected for debate, on the right to protest and international debt. Congratulations should go to Daniel Hassan and Paulius Mickevicius for being formally commended in the closing ceremony.

Mrs Juliette Walker
Head of History

Representing Cuba:

Charlie Collins
Yury Sheblov
Daniel Hassan
Paulius Mickevicius
Alice Chadwick
Emir Corbo

Representing Denmark:

Emma Tizard
Henry Taylor
Douglas McCraith
Matthew Carpenter
Daniel Koval
Adrian Duly