Pupils from across the year groups have taken part in a mindfulness course this term. In the busy world in which we live, mindfulness involves learning to direct our attention to our experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. Rather than worrying about what has happened or might happen, it trains us to respond skilfully to whatever is happening right now. Mindfulness has been shown to support our happiness and mental health, an issue which is of upmost importance to young people in today’s world.
The pupils who took part have commented that ‘I have really enjoyed mindfulness as it has helped me learn to relax and focus when I need to. I can take away some exercises when I need them. It has also helped me with anxiety’.
Arabella Thring, our mindfulness teacher, commented “The pupils have been fantastic. They have really engaged with the course and I hope they reap the benefits.”
Arabella also organises 8 week long mindfulness courses and 1:1 sessions for parents. These sessions enable you to relate differently to your thinking and to deal more effectively with stress and anxiety. There is more information available through Arabella’s website.
Miss Georgia Mugridge, Head of PSHE