“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” Muhammad Ali
Friday 20th March was a landmark day for many reasons. The closure of the School for a short time, Year 11 making their transition to the Lower Sixth and our wonderful Upper Sixths last day before making their way to university. And for me, a clutch of fledgling Old Verlucians to embrace.
Most of us will remember the move from middle school to Sixth Form. The shirt signing, the tears and the gales of laughter reminiscing about Year 7 or for some of our Year 11, right back to nursery! None of us will have experienced what the exam groups of Year 11 and Upper Sixth are experiencing, so spare a thought for them in these unchartered waters. What was the anticipation and nerves of public exams has transformed into something entirely different, but as always, we, here at Warminster, have got this.
Warminster, in its own inimitable style, still managed to pull something out of the bag for its Year 11 and Upper Sixth. Jon Edkins was, as ever, on hand to capture the moments and Mr Robertson produced one of his legendary quizzes and of course there was cake.
For our Year 11 there is now the great anticipation of Townroe Lodge, their new, bespoke home and for our Upper Sixth there are gap years, travel and university.
We, as a community, recognise that it was all a bit of a shock, but never fear, we will be here when the dust settles, getting you all back together to celebrate properly. To give out those iconic Old Verlucian scarves and ties, to have the Sixth Form leavers BBQ, to make sure that all the Year 11 who missed shirt signing due to self isolation, or travelling home, will get their opportunity and to embrace the next steps for all for their time at Warminster and beyond.
Huge thanks to David Wiltshire Photography & Yellow Balloon Films
WATCH It's Not Goodbye
Stella Aldridge, Deputy Head of Development and Alumni Relations