Our cast and crew have been hard at work behind the scenes for this year's production, Mary Poppins Jnr. Even Lola, Mrs Robinson's dog has assisted.


“This week we have been lucky to get into the Sports Hall early to begin our set up for the much awaited production of ‘Mary Poppins Jr’. Already, the floor is painted and, following a brief walk through, Andrew Whiting has been busy rigging over the last two days with his technical team, pupils, Bobby Webb and Jamie Baker. It has been a great learning experience for them and they were thrilled that, “he trusts us to put some of the lights up by ourselves!”

Pupil Will Barnes has been attending rehearsals, organising music tracks and setting up the stage space in preparation for being the official sound operator.  The Drama Department have been to Bristol Costume Services. I thought I drove a big car, but even a VW Caravelle, with a vast boot, allowed little space for even Miss Bolton sitting in the back! We have been fitting costumes, and it is only at this point that we see the volume of stuff required for this show. We have the largest cast I have ever worked with, at just over 100 pupils, and it is wonderful that so many in the School can have their moment in the spotlight.

The musical version features much of the same storyline as the film, but there are some updated sequences. Characters from the books appear in the form of Neleus, a statue who comes alive in ‘Jolly Holiday’ and Miss Andrew makes a frightening appearance with her ‘Brimstone and Treacle’. We cannot wait to put this production on and hope that you will join us next week. If you don’t have your ticket yet, please go directly to There is still time!”

Emily Harris, Head of Drama


Tickets available via Ticket Source for Thursday, Friday and Saturday

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