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As our Made in Warminster campaign has gathered momentum, it has been fascinating to speak to and hear the testimonials of our inspirational Old Verlucians. If you have managed to find the time to read our new school prospectus, you will have read the outstanding introduction written by Zoe Symes (OV10). Just a few months ago we asked Zoe if she would be happy to contribute to the project. When we received her words we felt overwhelmingly that they were the best introduction to our school that we could possibly have. We think you will agree.
Reading Zoe’s words brought back many happy memories for members of our staff; Mrs Parrack in particular looks back at Zoe’s school career with great fondness. “I still have a photo in my classroom of Zoe, along with 4 other of my IB pupils, dressed up on World Book Day as the 5 Bennett daughters from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, with me as Mrs Bennett!” smiles Mrs Parrack, “Zoe was an amazingly enthusiastic and positive KEN House prefect. She was always so good-humoured and optimistic and possessed boundless energy both inside and outside of the classroom; she was a fantastic hockey player too!”
Enjoy an extract from her introduction below or read the full article in our digital copy here Made in Warminster
Can you remember your initial impressions of Warminster and why it felt different from your previous school?
I started at Warminster as an overly tall, slightly socially awkward eleven year old. It was certainly a daunting prospect but Warminster welcomed me with open arms and over the following seven years I bought into everything the school had to offer. I haven’t looked back.
When I started at the School, every person in my year group played sport, participated in music, foreign language lessons, the year group production, inter-house activities and themed days. It brought everyone closer, not just within their own year group, but across all ages, right through to the Sixth Form. Everyone at Warminster genuinely gets to know one another, thanks in part to the School fostering such a familial atmosphere. It gives its students the confidence to excel, to push themselves and to try something new.
Are there any memories of Warminster which are particularly poignant for you?
I would love to say my performance in the School production ‘Alice in Wonderland’ was a memorable one, or that I am now a languages expert. Sadly neither are true. What I can say is that I was given the opportunity to try everything, to sometimes fail, but to also succeed, and know that either way, I had had the best possible chance of a positive outcome. Collecting the house cup on speech day, winning the enrichment day inter-house challenge, getting into my first choice university, earning my first house badge or being picked to play for the first eleven hockey team are just a few snapshots of my Warminster highlights.
How did Warminster shape you as an adult?
Every pupil’s journey at the School is unique and is tailored to what they want to make of it. No matter the directions they choose, they can count on the full support of their classmates and the staff to give them the best chance of getting there. For me personally, I feel it was the supportive and collaborative community that nurtured me which I believe now to be the biggest influence over who I am today.
Zoe Symes, Corporate Lawyer
#Madeinwarminster @verlucians