There was much excitement in the Prep School on Thursday 9th May as children in Years 2 and 3 boarded minibuses bound for Lulworth Cove. As these two classes are studying Seas and Coasts in their Geography lessons this term, a trip to the seaside was a brilliant way to start their topic.
Postponing the trip by one day turned out to be exactly the right decision as the rain, thunder and lightning of the previous day gave way to blue skies and sunshine as we neared the coast. Our first stop was the beach at Lulworth where the children looked out for coastal features and enjoyed climbing the rocky banks behind the beach to get a better view. We then walked along the cliff top and spotted the archways and stack of Stair Hole to tick off on their worksheets. Having worked up an appetite, picnic lunches were eaten with great relish and time taken for a play and roll down the grassy bank where we were eating. All too soon it was time to get back on the minibuses to visit Durdle Door, where we sat on the cliff top to make sketches of the view. We returned to school tired, dirty and happy; just how such a trip should end!
Gill Cross, Head of Pre-Prep