Lower Sixth pupils spent the weekend at Harrow House in Swanage on their bonding weekend. This was a fantastic opportunity for them to do things together as a new year group and make new friends. They took part in a range of different activities including coasteering, paddle boarding, raft building and bush craft in which pupils were introduced to the art of fire making and fish gutting which they were then able to eat. In the evening pupils played a number of beach games with varying degrees of success! In the day pupils learned valuable team work and leadership skills and it was great to see them all get involved.

It was fantastic to see pupils new and old doing activities together and truly bonding as a year group. The staff at Harrow House commented on how polite, enthusiastic and determined our pupils were, and how willing they were to try everything. They also agreed with Warminster staff about how well everyone bonded and how easily new friendships were formed.

Everyone was very grateful for the opportunity to make new friends and to try new activities and they returned to School with a new sense of community, ready to face Sixth Form study. Huge thanks are owed to Land and Wave for organising the activities and to Mrs Nurdin for organising the whole trip, but most of all to the pupils who threw themselves so wholeheartedly into all the challenges of the weekend. They were a credit to the School with their enthusiasm and determination to try, and to enjoy, everything thrown at them. The future for the Sixth Form is bright indeed with such positive ambassadors for the School.

Dr Tom Horler-Underwood, Head of Sixth Form