Nothing stops our creative Mrs Walmsley teaching chemistry, not even lockdown!

Chemistry is a practical subject – for me the practicals are key to unlocking and securing the theory behind the chemistry concepts we teach. My chemistry lessons involve a lot of practical work! One of my first thoughts when lockdown was announced and schools closed was how do we carry on with practical chemistry? It would be fair to say I felt quite miserable at the prospect of endless theory lessons.  We, in the chemistry department, set about researching little practicals pupils could do at home using every day chemicals and equipment you would have at home. These are easier for the lower school as not much specialist kit is needed. 

Over the Easter break I set about developing Kitchen Chemistry for Year 7 pupils for next term. I had great fun with my own daughter and niece filming the videos to accompany practical sheets for topics on chemical reactions and acids and alkalis. All of these can be accessed via the Year 7 firefly page in a subsection called Kitchen Chemistry. When we set remote work next term we want to include a practical session on Wednesdays although these will be voluntary we hope that you will try them and have as much fun as I have had designing them. Take a look here

It would be great to see any videos of pupils doing these practicals either on Twitter tagging @warminsterchem or sending us an email. We are now looking at Year 8 to incorporate Kitchen Chemistry for after half term (although we are really hoping we might be back at school) and any Year 9 and 10 practicals.

In the meantime stay safe and keep washing those hands!

Gillian Walmsley​, Head of Pathways and Creative Curriculum, Assistant Head of IB