On Saturday 7th October saw National Boarding Day organised in association with the Boarding Schools Association (BSA).  This is a new event to run alongside the main event in June – National Boarding Week.

National Boarding Day is the opportunity to celebrate and promote boarding communities both in the UK and around the world. The BSA asked boarders to tweet photographs and comments describing their favourite places within their boarding house and explaining why they love boarding using the hashtag #iloveboarding

All of our boarding Houses were very responsive and we had a huge number of tweets throughout the day and some beautiful explanations were sent in.

Read them here #iloveboarding

“The boarding houses at Warminster School provide a safe and secure environment. Our family set up in each house helps to foster a sense of the warmth and familiar routines of family life. Our aim is to create a caring atmosphere in which our boarding children feel happy, secure and comfortable. We offer every boarder a true ‘home from home’ under the watchful eye and guidance of their matrons and house parents. A sense of belonging is important in helping children develop friendships and positive relationships. Our key aim is to help our young people become confident, well-rounded individuals who have the ability to make the very best of the opportunities that life offers.”

Sarah Shanks, Assistant Head of Boarding & Pastoral Care