As part of our annual Community Action Day, pupils from Warminster School’s Year 9 took on the challenge of a 10-mile sponsored walk to raise funds for Go Blue For Lucia.
Community Action Day is organised on the last day of the summer term each year, during which all Warminster pupils go out into the community to do good deeds. Younger pupils worked hard clearing paths and churchyards, while sixth formers packed shopping bags in Waitrose to raise money for Wessex Multiple Sclerosis Charity, and spent time at local primary schools to encourage sporting achievement or hear children read.
Year 9 pupils traditionally take on the challenge of walking to the Westbury White Horse and back during a morning, a distance of about 10 miles. They chose Go Blue For Lucia for their charity, as Lucia, who passed away last summer after a year-long battle with cancer, had become friends with some of the Year 9 pupils after they attended her 5k charity race in October 2014.
“It seemed particularly relevant to them this year to have Go Blue as our nominated charity for the Year 9 walk,” said Tom Morison, Head of PE at Warminster, who sets the route, acts as chief marshal, and makes sure the event runs smoothly. “Lucia was a shining example of a young person who made a difference despite great adversity, and we’d like to encourage our pupils to look up to people like her.”
The pupils raised over £650 for Lucia’s good causes. Anna Mercer, from the charity, joined pupils on their walk, and afterwards spoke to them about Lucia’s life and what their sponsor money might be used for.
“I’m absolutely overwhelmed by the response from the pupils,” Anna enthused. “All pupils from every school year were interested in what Lucia had been through, and what she did to help other people while she was ill. I’ve asked them to consider what they’d like us to do with the money, but I hope they will choose to put it towards the new teenage ward in Bristol Children’s Hospital. It’s a small, dedicated ward for 11-16 year olds that has cool things for young people like a jukebox, gaming room, and chill out zone.”
Go Blue For Lucia are working with Time is Precious to equip the teenage ward. Their other projects include raising funds for Childrens Hospice South West, making pyjamas for Wrap Pyjama Fairies, and providing parents of hospitalised children with supply bags containing essentials that they may not have had time to pack. Their website can be found at
Thank you to all our pupils for giving back to their community.