OV Bath Drinks
Friday 6th March saw Bath Drinks at The Escape at the Abbey Hotel, a perfect venue for a relaxed social gathering and to say goodbye to Graeme McQueen after 34 years of service to the School.
The room was buzzing with OVs from across the years – we had OVs from 1965, The Lord Weymouth School days, all the way through to recent leavers from 2018. William, (OV65) lived on Boreham Road in Warminster and was one of four brothers who came to the School. He was affectionately known as Spiers I and he had some really fascinating stories to tell!
Hilary Green (OV82) said “What a special evening, so good to see so many friends from the past, in no time the years melted away and memories came flooding back. Jeff Cox, who I haven’t met since leaving school, 38 years ago, produced a great set of photos for us all to pore over and put names to the faces”.
Joyce Green, who was married to Iain Green, former Headmaster said “I haven’t been called Matron for many years, it was so funny to hear it from forty year old men rather than little boys and to be reminded of the different ailments I treated them for, the bad in-growing toe nail and a hand through a School House window when a young lad missed the door knob were particularly memorable!”
Alex Day (OV90) said “An incredible evening. Full of laughter with no end of tales from the old gang. Wonderful hospitality, so to my mind, the perfect send off for Graeme McQueen”.
Tony Anderson (OV90) flew in from Texas to be with us all and was probably our furthest travelled OV that evening.
Joanna Bennett, mum to two OVs said “It was fantastic to be given such a warm welcome, enabling me to say au revoir to Graeme McQueen, who had seen both the boys through their time at Warminster. Friends, wine and canapés lived up to the Warminster experience!”
We were lucky enough to have former staff Mike Thompson, Glynis Sharpe and Jeff Cox making a guest appearance.
As I stood back and watched everyone chatting, laughing and sharing memories it occurred to me how important the bond of school friendships are and how being able to relive your youth or share stores with people who “get it” is cathartic, joyful and at times even slightly sad.
I think it is fair to say that Graeme had a wonderful evening and despite having been at the School for 34 years, will remember it as one of the highlights of his tenure.
Photos of evening – thanks to the wonderful Jon Edkins, David Wiltshire Photography
Stella Aldridge, Deputy Head of Development and Alumni Relations