Revealing more about what happens both inside and outside of our classrooms
What better way to discover all the very many rich and diverse events taking place here daily in school, than to hear it from pupils themselves. Over the coming months the Warminster community will be hearing from a new group of young journalists; our very own ‘Heads-Up! Hacks’. With a ‘hack’ per year group, we will be hearing in their own words about news and events that interest and intrigue them.
The Headmaster, Mr Williams, endorses wholeheartedly the Heads-Up! Hacks initiative, “The Warminster ethos has always been to encourage and facilitate our pupils to find their own voice. By sharing insights into their daily school lives, we believe pupils will be motivated and inspired to take part in activities, as well as to be curious about what is happening around them. It’s also a fantastic way of our pupils celebrating and sharing their own success, as we see from Sam Evans's feature on the Lemur group.”
We look forward to sharing the latest news from our Hacks and revealing more about life at Warminster, both inside and outside of the classroom.