*Stretching the creative, developing the enquiring mind and inspiring our free thinkers * #GreenZone
The new shape of the week has seen the introduction of the Green Zone each day from 4.00-5.00pm. The Green Zone is a dedicated time each day for the added extras outside of the standard curriculum. This year the Green Zone sees a number of familiar sessions, PSHE, Games, Tutor Time and Prep Time, however, there are a variety of new activities and initiatives available to all year groups.
In Year 7, our pupils are following a cycle of academic enrichment activities. These include First Aid, Debating, STEM projects, an introduction to German, Politics and an outdoor nature project involving bee hives and a nature trail. All Year 7 pupils will have a chance to experience each of these varied activities throughout the year.
Our Year 8 and 9 pupils have been following the AQA Foundation Project Qualification (FPQ). This is an accredited level 2 qualification (Equivalent to a GCSE) which we are encouraging all pupils to submit for accreditation towards the end of Year 9. Mr Rossiter is leading on this exciting project and has introduced the pupils to the course and its content.
Year 10 and 11 pupils have been offered the choice of a variety of academic enrichment groups which are running on a termly basis. These include Politics, Media, Astrophysics and Russian to name a few. Pupils are encouraged to try something new and different and throughout the year they have the opportunity to try three different activities.
Our Sixth Form pupils have embarked on a series of pupil led enrichment groups. These sessions include Sixth Formers leading sessions for their peers. Already this term we have had groups ballroom dancing, learning the piano and trying beginner Spanish lessons.
Our Deputy Head (Academic), Mark Sully, commented, “The Green Zone has allowed us to take pupils on a journey outside of their comfort zone. It provides pupils with an opportunity to try something new and different that otherwise they may not have experienced. The sessions are designed to make pupils think outside of the standard curriculum and open their minds to other interests.”