“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Scott Adams
As the Easter break draws to a close and we return to a ‘virtual’ summer term, the reality of global events and the academic consequences they are having on our pupils is hitting home. We are acutely aware of the financial sacrifice and trust their parents are placing in us to deliver a fulfilling ‘virtual’ learning experience directly into the safety of their homes. Equally, we accept as part of that challenge the importance of safeguarding our pupils’ physical health and mental wellbeing to ensure they emerge from this experience optimistic and enthusiastic to face the next step in their school career.
Alongside the dramatic news we are exposed to daily, there have also been positive and infinite acts of kindness reported, and here at Warminster it has been no different. The heart-warming messages of support from around the world we have received almost daily has been humbling. These messages have often extended to more than just words and we are truly overcome by the many offers we have already received of financial support to current parents who, in these troubled times, are struggling to pay the reduced fees required at the beginning of this summer term. We are enormously grateful for these incredibly thoughtful gestures and know that these sums of money, no matter how small, are already making a significant difference to a great number of our community.
For those of you who have already so kindly contributed, the whole of our community thanks you for your loyalty and belief in the School – never has belonging to such a well-established, caring community been more evident, or more significant.
Matt Williams, Headmaster
*Details on how to contribute can be found here – Warminster Hardship Fund