Former Head Boy helps Wiltshire achieve historic win

Former Head Boy helps Wiltshire achieve historic win

Just before the start of term, last year’s Head Boy, Charles Dunn, was helping Wiltshire’s U18 County Golf Team to become English Boys County Champions for the first time.

Qualifying counties from four regions – South West, South East, North and Midlands – played a round robin of morning foursomes and afternoon singles matches at Kings Lynn Golf Club.  Wiltshire qualified by winning the South West Championships at the beginning of July in Devon. 

After a shaky start on the first morning, going behind 3-0 to Durham the North West winners, the team rallied to earn a gutsy 4½ – 4½  draw at the end of Day one.  Excellent play on Day two against a very strong Hampshire side, resulted in a victory of 5½ – 3½. The Wiltshire boys needed nothing less than a win against Northamptonshire who had won both their previous matches.  Day three was nail-biting stuff.  After taking the morning foursomes 2-1, everything was still to play for.  The first three afternoon singles matches were shared 1 ½ each.  With a morale-boosting victory from Match 6, Wiltshire now had a 2 point gap and needed just half a point for a famous victory.  Match 4 was shared with a half and the final match out on the course went with a victory to Wiltshire.  It was the icing on the cake with a convincing 6-3 result.  

Head of Development and Alumni Relations, Graeme McQueen congratulated the team, “Huge Congratulations to Old Verlucian Charles and everyone involved in Wiltshire’s famous victory. The School looks forward to following his promising career in amateur golf”.