Happy European Day of Languages!
What better way to celebrate the impressive diversity of our pupils here at Warminster School than for our Modern Foreign Languages team to mark the European Day of Languages with a suitably diverse range of activities.
Mrs Coldwell, Head of MFL, assisted by a number of our modern language pupils, began the day by leading a whole school assembly. Mrs Coldwell recalled the story of the moment she realised as a young girl that speaking English with a French accent was not ACTUALLY French but how not long afterwards she fell in love with the French language, culture and, of course, the food.
After experiencing just how amazing the baking skills of both our staff and pupils were last year, we initiated the second “European Day of Languages Bake Off”. All cakes were judged by Mr Rall and his team (recent runner up in a prestigious independent school catering award) with points awarded for taste and presentation.
The pupil winners this year were:
1st place: Millie Watts & Niamh Crinion
Runner up: Max Whitelaw
The European Day of Languages was celebrated by both Senior and Prep pupils. The morning started with an assembly led by our visiting Spanish exchange pupils who told us all about their hometown of Zaragoza. Conveniently, they didn’t have to fly in just for EDL but were part of the larger group of World in Wiltshire pupils who were here spending 10 days with our Sixth Form.
Prep pupils from the Spanish club performed dialogues providing plenty of opportunity for audience participation. There was also a languages frame that was put to use as pupils contributed words in a wide range of languages including German, Dutch, Chinese and Nepalese. Throughout the day registers were taken in numerous languages, pupils counted in Russian, played French games, learnt about Bulgaria, and filled in information about countries in their European passports.
Following hard on the heels of the success of EDL 2018, our fortunate year 10 linguists are already enjoying their next adventure – an exchange trip to Cognac, France during the last week of this half term. We can’t wait to hear their news!
Barbara Mitterrutzner, Housemistress Stratton House & German Teacher