EPQ Art Festival

On Thursday 1 October, Sixth Former Emily Griffiths organised and held an Art Festival as part of her Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The exhibition included work from both Prep and Senior School pupils, as well as three local artists.
Throughout the day, Year 5 from the Prep School, Art classes from the Senior School and parents visited the exhibition and during the evening a well attended reception was hosted by Emily.
Headmaster Mark Mortimer enjoyed the exhibition and congratulated Emily, “The exhibition was beautifully laid out and presented with a nicely balanced range of artwork. To coordinate all of this is an impressive feat, well done Emily.”
Warminster School was quick to adopt the EPQ as an important and highly regarded qualification. The EPQ promotes independent learning and involves pupils investigating in depth, a topic of their choice. The process of research and completion of the EPQ are fantastic learning experiences and all Warminster School A Level pupils are encouraged to take it. The EPQ is also endorsed by leading British universities.