On Tuesday 19th September as part of their PSHE Education all pupils in Years 8 – Upper Sixth had the opportunity of attending a Drugs Awareness talk led by Dave Parvin from Drug Sense UK.
Dave is an expert on Drugs Education having spent many years working in the Police as part of the Drug Squad. He was able to speak to the pupils openly and frankly about how they can make safe and informed decisions around drugs. The key message throughout every talk was that through being aware of the risks and keeping their life goals in mind at all times, young people will have the skills and strategies they need to avoid dangerous situations and make safe decisions.
In the evening, staff also attended a talk bringing them bang up to date in Drugs Education and armed with strategies to support our pupils. The day ended with a parents’ session. PSHE Education at Warminster School relies on close links between parents, pupils and staff and we strongly believe in also offering educational opportunities to parents. This talk followed on from a parents’ talk in E-Safety held at the end of the Summer Term. One of the parents who attended the Drugs Awareness talk commented that, “It was very interesting, informative and shockingly sad in places, however, I thought the speaker Dave Parvin had a very sensible and realistic approach to the subject and to the situations in which young people can find themselves.”
Miss Georgia Mugridge, Head of PSHE