Continuing to inspire, inform and enthuse

Both learning and work are changing rapidly, and this has implications for individuals’ career paths. Jobs for life are a thing of the past: young people leaving education in the 21st century will need to update their knowledge and skills throughout their working lives. They are much more likely to experience periods of self-employment, part-time and temporary contracts than their parents.
The reality today is that young people need to be even more adaptable, flexible, self-reliant and resourceful and the world of work places a high premium on effective enterprise and career management skills. The predicted economic, labour market and demographic changes over the coming decades suggest that young people will face even more choices and opportunities, thus increasing the need for them to be effective career planners.
Young people require ever more information, advice and guidance in order to make informed decisions, and the earlier this guidance can be provided the better. To that end we are working together as pupils, staff and parents on our new Mentoring Programme and a series of mentoring events. If you are a willing parent or OV and would consider sharing expertise and knowledge in both career area, and also your wider experience of the world of work generally, we would be delighted to hear from you. If you are interested in assisting and helping with this new scheme, please complete your information here.
Mark Mortimer who is an advocate of the Programme commented “The importance of resilience, perseverance, bounce-back-ability and being able to communicate effectively with all sorts of people are ever more important. Similarly, the need to reflect on one’s strengths, values, passions and motivations to try and identify possible careers is crucial.”