World Book day seen through the eyes of one of our very own Heads-Up! Hacks!
It's hard not to see the title 'World Book Day' and be reminded of the unfolding events around our globe. Here, though, is an emormously postive example of how our world works together for the good, spreading the invaluable message that the ability to read, hold a book and listen to a story is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ways to ensure education and empowerment for children wherever they live.
This year, World Book Day fell on March 5th, the last week that for the vast majority of us in the UK might be regarded as 'routine'. Petero Masala, our youngest Heads-Up! Hack in Year 7 clearly loved every minute of the day and shares his memories of one of the last days, for the next few months at least, that our community was able to celebrate en masse.
Petero writes, Recently Years 7 and 8 participated in World Book Day where they dressed up as their favourite book characters.The librarians and Mrs Parrack both worked together to make the event as fun as possible. They decided to do D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read) which meant that you had to stop whatever you were doing at the time you had to read a book. To make D.E.A.R a bit more interesting, they had organised a trip to Warminster town where the Year 7s has the chance to buy a book of their choosing using a special token given to them. The book token allowed them to pick a book for free, along with a bookmark.
This is what some of our Year 7s said about the trip. Archie stated, “It was nice to do something different”. John said, “I think it was a good idea that we went to town on World Book Day to express our love for books”. Sam told me, “It was a fun experience!” and “I thought it was alright, but we didn’t get to use our own money”, said Rueben. So overall, I think that all the Year 7s had a great time.
Petero Masala, Y7 Heads-Up! Hack