Biology Challenge 2017

In March earlier this year roughly 40,000 pupils from Years 9 and 10 throughout the country and beyond, took part in the Biology Challenge, a competition arranged by the Royal Society of Biology.  Collectively they answered over 4 million questions.  The competition tests all things biological, both of school biology and a knowledge of biology outside the classroom.

I am proud to announce that 14 of our pupils attained an excellent level of success; Warminster School pupils obtained 12 bronze awards and 2 silver awards.

This is a fantastic achievement and many congratulations to all our winners.

The 12 bronze winners this year are:

Dylan Bolter

Ben Cook

Lexie Drake

Mathias Folkesson

Bryce Furlong

Miles Kamerkar

Sean Montgomery

Nathan Pickands

Isabelle Robinson

Corin Sipson

Charlie Whelan

Archie Wilkins

The 2 silver winners this year are:

Alexander Maclaren

Milo Stretton-Cox

Many congratulations to you all.

Dr Martin, Head of Biology