To kick off the Prep School topic of ‘Grendel; A cautionary tale about chocolate’ written by David Lucas, the children were extremely lucky to have a whole day of workshops hosted by the author himself! As the saying goes, ‘be careful what you wish for.’ In this instance it was a fantastic wish come true.
The day began with David leading an assembly showing the children from Nursery to Year 6 how to draw some of his characters. Who knew so many pictures could be created from the letters of the alphabet alone? He then read us ‘The Robot and the Bluebird.’ After this, each year group had an hour long session learning how to draw and write their very own picture book.
It was lovely to see so many follow that up and showing their parents how to draw Grendel at home. Pupils are now using their newfound skills across the curriculum to create their own stories as well as sharing their autographed books with their families and friends.
Michelle Finnigan, Year 1 Teacher